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The Future Is 4K and It's the PC Not Next-Gen Leading the Charge

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Senin, 30 September 2013 | 23.07

The Xbox One and PS4 are set to support 4K, but as Mark Walton discovers, only the PC has the power to do it justice. There was a time, back in the late nineties and early noughties, when console graphics were king. While the PC industry and the likes...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Reality Check - Do we need 4K?

We need 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, etc. The reason we need these is actually quite simple. Without them, GPU manufacturers such as Nvidia and ATI have no reason to develop high performance hardware that can support say 60fps at ultra settings at such resolutions....
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Batman: Arkham Origins I Am the Knight and Initiation DLC detailed

Warner Bros. Games Montreal's upcoming Dark Knight adventure Batman: Arkham Origins will feature a permadeath difficulty mode, the studio has revealed, alongside new information about the game's prequel DLC set in Asia. Speaking to Eurogamer, producer...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Shadow of the Eternals on hold

Shadow of the Eternals, the spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem on the GameCube, is on hold, developer Precursor Games has said. Veterans from original Eternal Darkness, Too Human, and X-Men: Destiny developer Silicon Knights...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

UK Chart: GTA V becomes fastest selling game ever in UK

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Senin, 23 September 2013 | 23.07

Rockstar's critically acclaimed GTAV has stormed to the top of UK chart this week, becoming the fastest-selling game of all time in the region. GTAV also becomes the overall 24th biggest selling title of all time in the UK, selling more in its launch...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

$2,000,000 League of Legends Season 3 World Championships begin

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Senin, 16 September 2013 | 23.07

September 15, 2013 1:28PM PDT Competition begins, as 14 of the best teams from the world over battle for seven-figure purse. Today kicks off the League of Legends Season 3 World Championships, where 14 of the best teams from North America,...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

History of Grand Theft Auto

Whats with all the GTA V crap? Why is GS so overflown with GTA commercials and announces and suddenly GTA became so overexposed? How much money did rockstar paid so GS can put under our nose the meaning of life: Why GTA V is so "fabulous"? ...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

AU Shippin' Out September 9-13: Arma III

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Senin, 09 September 2013 | 23.07

Military shooter Arma III hits Australian shelves this week. In a first for the series, the game will be released without its campaign mode. Players will be able to access the island terrains of Altis (270 square kilometres) and Stratis (20 square kilometres),...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Grand Theft Auto V may have cost $266 million to develop and market - Report

Rockstar Games' open-world action playground Grand Theft Auto V may have cost up to £170 million (approximately $266 million) to develop and market, according to a report by Scottish newspaper The Scotsman (via Kotaku). The piece claims that industry...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Sony announces new version of PlayStation Vita hardware

Sony has announced plans to release a new revision of its PlayStation Vita hardware to the Japanese market next month, as part of its pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference. The new model will reportedly be 20 percent thinner, 15 percent lighter, include...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

PlayStation 4 to be released in Japan in February 2014

September 9, 2013 12:19AM PDT Sony's next-generation console scheduled to be released in Japan next year. The Playstation 4 will be released in Japan on February 22, 2014. Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia announced the news during...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Sony announces PlayStation Vita TV

As part of its pre-Tokyo Game Show press conference held today, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia has announced a new piece of hardware that will allow owners to play PSP, original PlayStation, and PS Vita games directly on their televisions. The...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon could be turned into a retail release

80s-themed Far Cry 3 spin-off Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon could be turned into a boxed retail release, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has said. Blood Dragon was released as a downloadable earlier this year for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, and has sold...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Deep Down set in 2094 New York

September 9, 2013 4:28AM PDT Producer Yoshinori Ono says game won't be coming to Xbox One, as Capcom confirms game will be set in New York in 2094. Role-playing game Deep Down won't be coming to Xbox One, Capcom has confirmed. Producer...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More

Call of Duty: Ghosts tweaks sniper rifles and alters quick-scoping

Infinity Ward executive producer Mark Rubin has explained how the developer is working to change sniper rifles in this year's Call of Duty: Ghosts, adding that the series' traditional "quick-scoping" techniques have been affected. Rubin says that...
23.07 | 0 komentar | Read More
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